As we reopen, the Sherman Lake YMCA is implementing the following safety protocols in an effort to reduce the health risks for members, staff and other visitors to our facility.


  • Regular Temperature Checks: Staff and members will receive temperature checks before starting their work shift or checking-in.

  • Masks: We will not be requiring proof of vaccination from members or guests but ask that everyone follow our four core values of Honesty, Caring, Respect and Responsibility when entering the facility.

    • VACCINATED members and guests – wearing a mask in the YMCA is OPTIONAL.

    • Members and guests who are NOT vaccinated are REQUIRED to wear a mask while at the YMCA.

  • Self-Scan: Members will be asked to self-scan to allow for limited contact entry.

  • Designed for Social Distance: All open areas inside the Y have been evaluated and redesigned where necessary to help ensure social distancing between members. Signage will be placed prominently throughout the facility to drive awareness of this requirement.

  • Limiting Capacity to Facilities and Rooms: All areas available for member use will have reduced capacity to ensure a safer environment and to assist with social distancing measures.

  • Routine Cleaning and Nightly Sanitation: Staff will be cleaning/disinfecting high touch areas every 30 minutes while our facilities are open to members. The facility will be sanitized each evening, prior to welcoming members back to the Y the next morning. 


The YMCA appreciates members’ adherence to the following safety precautions during their visits:

  • Stay Home if You’re Sick: Members should stay home if they don’t feel well. The CDC and state public health officials encourage seniors and members of vulnerable populations, including those with underlying health conditions, to stay at home.

  • Be Ready for Temperature Checks: All members will have their temperature taken prior to check in. We will also ask you five health screening questions when you enter the Y.

  • Check In and Out: Members must check both in and out at the Front Desk each time they use the Rec Center and will be asked to confirm their phone number on their first visit (to aid with contact tracing).

  • Wash or Sanitize Your Hands Upon Entry: We ask all members to wash or sanitize their hands upon entry to our facilities.

  • Bring a Towel, a Mask, a Water Bottle and a Workout Mat: Members will be asked to bring their own water bottle, a workout towel and their own exercise mat. Members are required to wear a mask at all times except when swimming. 

  • Keep Your Distance: Please exercise on designated equipment only and respect all signage regarding social distancing. Strive to maintain at least six feet between you and others whenever possible.

  • Expect Reduced Capacity: To ensure proper social distancing, our member areas will have a limited capacity. At times of full capacity you will be asked to wait in a designated area until space is available.

  • Remember to Wipe Down Equipment:  Please help us reduce the risk of exposure by wiping down all equipment, weights, mats, etc. with the provided cleaning materials before and after each use.